Drip Campaign Ultimate Guide
This is the most comprehensive drip campaign guide online.
In this expert-written guide you’ll learn everything you need to know about creating a drip campaign by:
- Get a quick overview of why drip campaigns are powerful and how they work
- Helping you get started quickly with free copy and paste templates you can drop right into your email marketing software tool
- Showing you how to create drip campaigns with 3 different email marketing tools
- Breaking down how to analyze and track performance of your drip campaigns

Why An Automated Drip Campaign Is So Freaking Awesome...
"Automated trigger emails get 119% higher click rates than broadcast emails." - Act-On
For example, let's say you get an average of 2% click rates which equals 100 clicks per broadcast to your sales pages.
If you can automate your drip campaigns you can expect 4%+ click rates which equals 200+ clicks.
That's more than double the clicks which will probably mean double the sales - all on autopilot.
"Nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than those who were not nurtured." - Hubspot
Here's a more concrete example, if your average product purchase is around $100 this means your nurtured leads will more than likely spend $147 per purchase.
I don't know about you, but I'd be happy with increasing my revenue by 47% with a strategically developed nurture campaign...repeat after me, "Automatic upsells rock!"
"Companies using marketing automation generate twice as many leads as those using just email software." (Source: Autopilot HQ)
What’s Possible With A Drip Campaign
Waking from a deep sleep you hear your phone vibrating with email notifications.
“What is going on?” You think to yourself.
Reaching out of your comfy bed half awake and half asleep you fumble for your phone on the nightstand.
While you were sleeping you received over a hundred email messages.
Instead of the normal email messages and spam—you see a string of notification emails that say…
That’s the dream right?
In some shape or form we all want to make money magically on autopilot while we sleep.
The crazy thing is it’s possible with the help of drip email marketing campaigns.
How do you actually make it happen?
I’ve broken this guide up into chapters to help you accomplish each and every step you need to launch your very first or one hundredth drip campaign.
Use each chapter at your discretion, but I recommend you start with chapter 1 if you are brand new to drip campaigns. If you’ve already launched one or two drip campaigns then skip down to chapter 2 and move through each chapter in order to get the most value and the end result of launching better and more effective drip campaigns.
Before you get started think about this…
Think of one person you know who uses email marketing in their business and share this post with them (this could be one of your good deeds for the day). Okay, now enjoy the guide and let me know in the comments if you have any questions.
Drip Campaign Explained – Flowchart Video Overview
So what is a drip campaign? Why would you want to use one?
Well, this video below gives you a high level overview of a drip campaign flowchart along with some examples and hypothetical timelines.
Create Your Drip Campaign Marketing Plan
If you want to deploy an effective drip campaign in you email marketing automation system, then you need a plan.
Because smart and successful businesses use plans.
Would you let a contractor build your home from scratch without blueprints?
Would you let a pilot fly you from New York to Paris without a flight plan?
Now wouldn’t you agree plans are important?
How To Create Your Drip Campaign Plan
There are three major components you need to succeed at anything in life, whether that’s business, health, money or relationships.
The three components are: mindset, strategy, and tactics.
You need all three or you will either give up because you don’t have the mindset, you’ll run yourself ragged because you don’t have the strategy, or you’ll waste time on planning and never launch, because you are not doing the tactics.
I’m going to assume you have the mindset to launch a successful drip campaign.
You want to get an ROI from your email automation and you want to achieve your dreams so bad that you won’t let anything stand in your way.
You say no to self doubt, fear, and excuses like I’m too tired, I don’t have the time, I don’t have the resources, I don’t know what I’m doing or etc.
Your mind is made up and you’re bound and determined to launch your drip campaign and nothing will stop you.
Creating your plan is the strategy, and it also gives you the opportunity to really organize all of the crazy ideas in your head and put them down on paper (or digital paper), so you can not only build your campaign but also explain it to your team (if you have one).
1. Decide on a goal
If you don’t know what you want your drip campaign to accomplish then you shouldn’t start, or you’re going to never finish.
How do you decide on a goal?
Let’s look at a few types of goals you could consider.
Here is a list of common email drip campaign goals:
- Educate potential customers to buy your product/service
- Build a relationship with your subscribers to gain authority positioning in their minds
- Automate your sales qualification process
- Encourage subscribers to sign up for your webinar
- Educate new customers about additional products and services you offer
- Invite leads to your event (in person or online)
- Launch a new product or course you are selling
You might have a different goal than the suggestions above. That’s cool.
The key is to get clear, so you know where you’re heading.
I’m not gonna lie choosing to focus on one goal can be difficult, so take some time to think about it and then write it down.
After you have your goal in mind you need a way to measure and keep track of it. Let’s use one of the examples I mentioned above, “Encourage subscribers to sign up for your webinar.”
Convert your goal into a S.M.A.R.T. goal:
S = Specific
Get as specific as possible. You should be able to write your final goal down, and there is absolute clarity on what your SMART goal is trying to achieve no matter who reads it. Your goal should answer the what, who, what, where and when.
M = Measurable
“What gets measured gets managed.” – Peter Drucker. Come up with something you can measure, so for our webinar example we can measure the amount of people that register for the webinar.
A = Attainable
Can you attain your goal? Do you have the skills, budget, and time to achieve the goal? This is an exaggerated example, but if you want to get people to register for your webinar, and you don’t have webinar software then clearly you can’t attain this goal.
R = Realistic
Make sure your goal is within reach. Let say that you have only 1,000 people on your email list and you average a 25% open rate on your broadcasts it’s probably not possible to get all 1,000 of your subscribers to register for the webinar. So if you set out to get 350 people on your list to register that is more realistic (that’s a 35% registration rate).
T = Timely
You need to establish a time frame, because if you don’t then you won’t know how to track where you started and where you should end. With the webinar example you can say that you want to promote your webinar for 3 weeks before the event.
So our webinar example SMART goal could look like this:
Our SMART goal is to register 350 of our current email subscribers on our upcoming webinar over the next 3 weeks.

2. Organize Your Drip Campaign Plan
Use a word processor like Word or Google Docs (I prefer Google Docs, because I can access it anywhere I go).
Write down your drip campaign goal and then write down these 5 main sections for your plan:
- Game Plan
- Components
- Content
- Tools
- Abilities
It should look something like this:
Section One: The Game Plan
The Game plan is a high-level overview of what you’re going to do.
This can be as long or as short as you feel is necessary. The purpose, is to help you or a team member to read it and have a general understanding of what the plan is, without diving too deep into the weeds.
Let’s stick with the webinar campaign example to show you how this might look.
Game Plan:
To reach the goal for this webinar we will send a series of emails to our subscriber list inviting them to attend the webinar on [date of webinar].
We'll send these emails over a 3 week period and gradually get more aggressive the closer we get to the day of the event.
In order to protect our relationship with our subscribers we'll give them the option to choose not to register for the webinar if they don't want to and only invite people who haven't opened or clicked on previous invites.
Section Two: The Components
The Components section is where you work on listing out all of the parts or components you’ll need to launch this drip campaign.
You won’t use this section to list out software or tools it’s more like the basic parts.
Commonly used components for drip campaigns include things like:
- # of Emails
- Landing Pages
- Thank You Pages
- Videos
- Blog Post
- And More
So for the webinar drip campaign example you could list out components like this:
- 3 Email Invitations
- Webinar registration page
- Webinar thank you page
- Webinar presentation
- 3 Reminder emails to attend
- Offer page
Section Three: The Content
In this section you’ll start writing your content for each of the components you listed.
So for example, if you have 3 invite emails you’d write them out under this section to read something like this…
Invite #1 (Sent 3 Weeks Before Event):

You’d continue to write out all of your content including emails, landing pages, thank you pages and etc.
With those written out all you’ll need to do is copy and paste your emails into your email automation software tool.
Section Four: The Tools
No matter what email automation tool you use there’s still a very good chance you’ll need additional tools to launch your drip campaign successfully.
Under the “Tools” section of your plan this is where you would brainstorm and list out all of the tools you’ll need to use.
Some tools we could use for our webinar drip campaign example could be:
- Webinar Jam
- Leadpages
- AddEvent
- ThriveThemes Countdown Timer
- Buffer
- Google Presentations
Section Five: Abilities
Let’s be honest for a moment…
You probably can’t do everything or if you can it would take you a lot longer than hiring an expert to help you get your drip campaign up and running.
In the Abilities portion of your plan this is where you would list out all of the abilities and skills required to launch, maintain and improve your drip campaign.
When it comes to running a successful webinar here are some abilities you’ll need:
- Public Speaking
- Copywriting (I can help write your emails)
- Selling Skills
- Setting Up Webinar Software
- Setting Up Email Automation Software
- Creating A Well Designed Presentation
With the 5 planning areas covered you’re ready to start.
But before you launch your first drip campaign how will you decide on a reliable email automation software tool?
Includes entire plan, email framework templates, and list of tools and resources you need to succeed quickly.
Escape “Shiny Object” Syndrome: Compare and Choose Your Email Automation Tool (Including Video Walkthroughs)
Let’s take the overwhelm out of choosing an email marketing automation tool.
The good news is that there are a lot of choices on the market.
All of them have different feature sets and price ranges to allow you to grow.
For simplicity sake it’s easier to use something you can visualize.
For example, you can create your plan…draw it out…and then pretty much create your flow in a visual drip campaign builder.
So what are your options?
Option 1:
Originally founded by Rob Walling and acquired by Leadpages in July of 2016 Drip is designed from the ground up to be an email drip machine.
Drip is the newer kid on the block, but man is it powerful and they have a free for life plan! Their users are growing more and more Nate Grahek and Brian Moran use the tool for their businesses.
I’ve watched Drip grow up over the past few years and when they rolled out with their visual workflows it brought their tool to a whole other level.
Here's a Quick Overview of Drip
Who Should Use Drip
If you really want to send simple educational drip campaigns then this tool is for you. No matter what industry you’re in you can probably use Drip for your drip marketing efforts.
Drip is robust enough to allow you send a specific educational drip campaign to leads, and then stop that campaign when they become a customer and start a “new customer” welcome campaign.
All of this can be done through their Automation Workflows:
If you’re a creative visual person then this tool might be just what you’re looking for.
Their automation workflows aren’t “drag-and-drop” although they look like they are, but rather the workflows are managed and lined up automatically with the software as you click different options. This keeps things organized visually so you can follow along.
Drip calls their tool,
Lightweight marketing automation that doesn’t suck.
And from what I’ve seen they’re right.
It’s lightweight meaning:
- There’s no CRM functionality – no master contact record that stores all of your contacts interactions for you to easily see
- Simple forms – think “name, email address and phone number” (you can add more form fields, but then it becomes bloated)
- Simple email marketing – mostly text based (you can use html designed emails but you’ll need to know how to write code or hire someone)
- Lead scoring – this is a staple feature in most marketing automation tools so it’s good to see this included
- Easy to get started
They also have a robust and easy to configure integration platform.
For example, let’s say you use Shopify as your ecommerce provider. With just a few clicks and a little copy and paste actions you can easily connect your two systems.
This allows you to easily trigger a “new customer welcome” campaign when someone purchases from your Shopify store.
Drip’s mission is to make it ridiculously easy (and cost effective) to get started using marketing automation, and from the looks of things they’re doing a nice job.
Who Shouldn’t Use Drip
Drip is a lightweight marketing automation tool and if you’re looking for something that does more than just automating email marketing then you shouldn’t use Drip.
If you need to automate and track things like inbound phone calls, automate tasks or want more advanced functionality like triggering automated voice broadcasts, post cards, referral tracking or more than you should seriously consider another tool like Infusionsoft by Keap (more details below).
Quite honestly Drip is an excellent tool for small businesses just getting started who want to start using more advanced automation features.
Other then that Drip can work well with just about any micro/small business.
They have a starter package that costs $49 per month.
Now it has a limit of 2,500 contacts, but it helps you get started affordably (aka for free).
The next level package starts at $122 per month which will help you scale up to 5,00 contacts.
Check out Drip here (affiliate link).
Option 2:
If you’re a blogger than ConvertKit might be the best option for you.
Many popular bloggers like Joanna Wiebe, Pat Flynn, Melyssa Griffin, and many more use or recommend the tool.
Typically most people who use ConvertKit are switching from Mailchimp or Aweber and falling in love with ConvertKit, because it’s a step up from your typical email marketing software with all of the automation built in.
Quick Overview of ConverKit
ConvertKit is eons beyond your typical email marketing tool and allows you to accomplish some of the following:
- Start quickly with 7 pre-built automation "blueprints" such as: automated launches, webinars, product launches, and others
- Advanced automation rules that allow you to customize the experiences of your subscribers based on their actions
- Easily setup opt-in forms with responsive and well designed templates
- Quickly create landing pages based on proven frameworks and host your landing pages on your own domain name so it reads something like this: mydomain.com/landing-page
- Send email broadcasts with advanced segmenting options
- Easily drip out educational courses via email
Who Should Use ConvertKit:
Bloggers and online creators. Plain and simple.
ConvertKit is trying to corner the market in this niche and working everyday to make the tool better for bloggers.
Authors, speakers and coaches can adapt the tool to their business, but it will depend on your business model.
I know many authors, speakers and coaches who use an “Ascension Model” to generate revenue and ConvertKit should be able to help you mimic this model to a degree.
If you use free email courses to attract subscribers then this tool will work very nicely for you.
It’s also suitable for bloggers who want more sophistication than Aweber and Mailchimp offer. Their automation rules give you a wide variety of choices to help you educate and connect with your blog subscribers.
ConvertKit also works nicely with many popular blogger software products like WordPress, Shopify, OptimizePress, and other plugins and tools like Zapier or ZippyCourses.
There are also plenty of designers and authors who use the tool quite successfully, but many of those business owners use either a blog or podcast to build their platform and audience.
ConvertKit will help you as a blogger or podcaster grow and scale with your audience and provide value for years to come.
One word of warning if you like to set up and send “pretty” emails with fancy graphics then you should know the emails are mostly text based and have little room for fancy designs out of the box. If you want fancy designs you’ll need to purchase an email template you can reuse easily from somewhere like ThemeForest.
This isn’t usually a problem for most blogger and podcasters, because they use email as a way to communicate with words more so than fancy designs. I definitely would encourage you to try it out for yourself before making a decision.
Who Shouldn’t Use ConvertKit:
Service based businesses, high ticket products, SAAS companies, or companies that want to do more than just email marketing (i.e. direct mail, text messaging, phone calls or etc.).
If you like to send beautifully designed emails to your email list then this probably isn’t the best tool for you, because currently it doesn’t have any drag and drop email features or quick and ready to use pre-designed templates.
Restaurant owners, brick and mortar businesses and studio type businesses like gyms, martial arts and dance studios probably shouldn’t use this tool.
ConvertKit has clearly stated that they want to serve professional bloggers and many of the businesses I listed above don’t fall into that category.
ConvertKit starts for a low as $29 per month and includes up to 1,000 contacts.
Right now they don’t offer a free trial, but they do have a 30-day refund policy.
They’ve made the tool affordable and can easily grow with you.
In addition to the pricing you get access to everything in the software, because there isn’t any tiered pricing!
So, customers who pay only $29 per month get all of the same features and tools as someone who’s paying $500 per month.
They’ve really leveled the playing field with this type of pricing model which makes it a great option for the right type of business.
To see your custom pricing option visit their pricing page (affiliate link).
Option 3: 
Infusionsoft invented the first visual campaign builder in their software and then everyone else thought it was a good idea and copied them.
Their software is packed with features and can easily rival most enterprise level software tools used by fortune 500 companies.
If you’re looking to build a business that will grow beyond $10 million in sales then their software is probably the best option to help you do exactly that.
Quick Overview of Infusionsoft
It has features to help you:
- Build the most robust drip campaigns you can imagine allowing you to send not only emails but text messages, direct mail and even voice broadcasts to your contacts
- Build relationships with contacts and manage those relationships
- Sell products of services online and offline
- Sell products or services via their e-commerce solution
- Get paid on the go with your mobile device and their card reader so you can easily swipe credit cards when you're out and about and have the funds directly deposited into your bank account without using a 3rd party merchant provider
- Easily send quotes and invoices to customers and collect payments online
- One of the largest integration networks available...pretty much anything and everything will connect to Infusionsoft, so if you have some software tool you absolutely love like Quickbooks - it will connect
Who Should Use Infusionsoft:
According to their website pretty much any small business can use Infusionsoft (they have over 30,000 customers), but from my personal experience with the software it’s best suited for small businesses looking to grow from $200,000 per year to a million+ in revenue.
Sell services either online or offline (i.e. painter, dentist, software, pool company or etc.)? It’s a great tool to help you automate and simplify many of your mundane tasks and process, which will save you and your staff tons of time.
Have a sales team (inside or outside sales)? Their sales automation tool is the best on the market. Have a few products you sell online or offline then Infusionsoft is something you should seriously consider.
Infusionsoft can pretty much do anything a business needs it to do.
It’s especially good at automating processes that happen before or after a sale. One of the highlights of the tool that isn’t really mentioned on their website is how Infusionsoft can automate tasks.
The easiest example for this would be when someone purchase a product or service from you and it requires a series of steps that need to be completed quickly and efficiently so your customers have a delightful experience.
Here is a sample series of automated tasks you could use Infusionsoft to assign to one of your team members or even yourself after someone buys from you:
- Order is processed online/offline
- Infusiosnoft triggers an email notification to your team member describing the product with a task reminder to ship it to the customer
- After product is shipped the team member marks the task complete in Infusionsoft and another task notification is sent to the person who follows up with new customers
- That person is assigned the task of calling the customer and letting them know their item has shipped and when it will arrive
- After the phone call the team member completes the task in Infusionsoft and the system starts a timer based on the estimated arrival date of the package
- 1 day after the arrival date of the package another task is sent to the same person who follows up with new customers telling them to call the customer, make sure their package arrived and answer any questions or concerns the customer might have
- They also ask the customer fill out a review on a popular review site
- After the phone call the team member marks the task complete and that’s the queue for Infusionsoft to start an automated email education campaign that runs over the next two weeks
This series of steps happens every single time someone buys their product. Can you see the potential of having something like this running in your business?
Tasks are only a small portion of the software, yet are extremely powerful.
If you need to keep detailed records of your customers and customize how you interact with those customers based on their actions (when they buy something, fill out forms, call your sales reps, order online or etc.) it is the best software on the market.
Who Shouldn’t Use Infusionsoft:
If you can’t afford to pay at least $199 per month than you should look at some of the other tools mentioned above.
I speak with small business owners all the time that think Infusionsoft is expensive, however if you compare it to enterprise systems like Marketo, Hubspot or ExactTarget. Infusionsoft is just as sophisticated but at a fraction of the price (aka it’s dirt cheap).
For example, Marketo starts at around $1,500 per month and goes up to $20,000 per month. Hubspot and ExactTarget are in the same price range if you want to get serious about drip campaign automation.
Okay, back to who shouldn’t use Infusionsoft…
If you use a blog or podcast to generate traffic or affiliate sales it’s probably not the best solution for you, however there are many bloggers and podcasters who make a ton of money using the software like Jon Morrow, Jamie Tardy, Bryan Harris and John Lee Dumas who sell many of their own products very successfully.
If you run a massive e-commerce business with more than 50 products…there are better e-commerce platforms out there to handle your online store, but if you need to integrate it with a customer relationship management system then Infusionsoft could be a nice add on for you.
If all you want to do is send manual broadcasts to your email list and set up the occasional autoresponder then this tool probably isn’t for you. It does way more than email marketing.
If you aren’t willing to figure out how to grow your business by building strategies and processes then you should probably stick with your basic email marketing tool like Aweber or iContact.
Things You Should Know Before Purchasing:
- 24/7 live chat support for customers
- Live phone support M-F 6am-5pm MST
The other tools mentioned above do not have live support (or only for higher cost packages), so if you need real people to help you walk through setting things up and you’re not very technical then this is a big perk.
Their software has a drag and drop email template builder, so you don’t need to know how to code HTML or CSS if you want to design beautiful and responsive emails.

Infusionsoft’s drag-and-drop email builder (oh and it’s responsive too).
None of the other tools mentioned above have a drag-and-drop email builder, so this is a huge advantage to using Infusionsoft over the others.
The software ranges anywhere from $199-$599 per month.
There is a setup fee as well that starts at $999 and moves up from there based on the level of services you need, and how fast you want to get started using the software in your business.
You can see their pricing options here.
Full disclosure: At the time I originally wrote this post I worked at Infusionsoft.
How to Setup and Build Your Drip Campaign
Ready to learn how to set up your drip campaign?
In this chapter I’ll show you how to create a simple drip campaign using Drip, ConvertKit and Infusionsoft by Keap.
How to Create A Drip Campaign with Drip:
Similar to the other videos above I’ll want to show you how to set up and create a simple 4-part drip campaign using Drip.
I use a pre-made Marketing Automation Plan that helps you quickly set up a similar drip campaign regardless of what email automation software you are using for your business.
You can download the Drip Campaign Marketing Automation Plan (M.A.P.) here.
If you’re slightly interested in Drip then you’ll want to watch the video below to see exactly how things work inside the software tool. If you have any questions about the video ask me in the comments section at the end of this post.
How to Create A Drip Campaign with ConvertKit:
In the video below I’ll show you how to set up and create a simple 4-part drip campaign using ConvertKit.
I use a pre-made Marketing Automation Plan that helps you set up a similar drip campaign regardless of what email automation software you are using for your business.
You can download the Drip Campaign Marketing Automation Plan (M.A.P.) here.
Side note: In these three videos I’m using the exact same M.A.P. just customized for each tool, so you can get a better idea on which tool will work best for you.
How to Create A Drip Campaign with Infusionsoft: 
In the video below I’ll show you how to set up and create a simple 4-part drip campaign using Infusionsoft.
I use a pre-made Marketing Automation Plan that helps you set up a similar drip campaign regardless of what email automation software you are using for your business.
You can download the Drip Campaign Marketing Automation Plan here.
34 In-Depth Tactics That Will Help You Attract Subscribers To Your Email List Quickly
If you want to grow your list you need to focus on two things.
- Traffic
- Offers
You need a method to get traffic to your website (more details on the two methods explained below).
When you get the traffic you need to offer them something in exchange for their email.
There are two methods to build your email lists… And both have a cost (neither of them are free).
Method #1 – Drive free traffic through hard work, networking, self promoting, social evangelism and the like. This method doesn’t cost you any money, but it does cost you time and energy to get the traffic you want to attract subscribers.
Method #2 – Pay for traffic using advertising. If you can afford it then you can buy traffic from sites like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit and etc. Let’s take these two methods and show you how to do each of them effectively.
19 Ways To Get “Free Traffic”
(This Costs You Time, So It’s Not Truly Free)
Influencer Traffic Methods
Influencers in your space have an audience, traffic, email subscribers and the ability to put you in front of them.
Building relationships with influencers is one of the most effective, fun and exciting ways to grow your subscribers while connecting with super cool people. It’s also free.
- How To Use Influencer Marketing To Boost Your Traffic and Conversions | Jeff Bullas
- How To Use Influencers To Drive Traffic | Digital Kickstart
- How to Use Influencers to Gain Website Traffic | Fabulous Blogging
- Follow These 4 Steps To Increase Website Traffic | Backlinko
- The Definitive Guide To Influencer Marketing | Kissmetrics
Email Outreach Methods
Email is one of the highest converting channels for me personally when it comes to generating traffic for this site.
Let’s be clear, using email outreach doesn’t mean you go buy an email list and spam people. Nope, this is personal relationship building 101 (via email).
Through email outreach I’ve been able to connect with some amazing bloggers who like sharing my content and I in return do the same for them.
It’s a true win/win situation and it should be a part of your free traffic strategy. Check out these posts to learn more about it.
- 5 Reasons Why Blogger Outreach Will Guarantee You More Traffic |Successful Blogging
- Blogger Outreach: 9 Surprisingly Effective Hacks I Use With Influencers to Blast My Audience | MarkinBlog
- Outreach: The Complete Guide To Building Your Blog Audience | Quicksprout
- 5 Powerful Ways To Boost Your Blog Traffic For Beginners | Ninja Outreach
- Email Outreach For Bloggers – 5 Successful Messages To Create Relationships | Webhosting Secrets
- Humanitas Technique: How to Craft the Perfect Email Outreach | John’s IM Secrets
Blog Commenting Traffic Methods
Yep, you can generate traffic through blog commenting. I’ve done it and so have many others.
So why not you?
Each of these posts below will show you how to grow your traffic predictably through commenting while at the same time building influencer relationships too.
- 1 Simple Hack to Blogger Outreach, or How to Find Friends | I Wanna Be A Blogger
- Should You Drive Traffic By Commenting On Other People’s Blogs? | Contently
- The Comment Conquest System – The Four Levels of Blog Commenting | Large List
- How To Drive Targeted Traffic Through Blog Commenting | Quicksprout
- How To Blog Comment Your Way To Consistent Traffic Growth | Ryan Hanley
Social Media Traffic Methods
Social media is a buzz word, but it’s here to stay because it simply works.
If you can consistently leverage social media for your business in the right way it can be a powerful traffic source for you, and these articles below show you how.
Here at ESM I consistently generate 1-2 email subscribers from Twitter alone.
Read any of the articles below to get some cool tactics to genereate subscribers from social media.
- Drive Massive Traffic From Facebook (For Free): A Sumo-Sized Guide | Sumome
- 21 Social Media Engagement Tactics That Will Grow Your Audience | CoSchedule
- How to use Social Media to Drive Targeted Traffic to Your Landing Page | Socedo
- 101 Simple and Effective Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic | How To Start A Blog Online
15 Unique Ways To Get “Paid Traffic”
Using Facebook Advertising Methods
This advertising platform can’t be ignored.
Facebook has been steadily growing their advertising platform since their Initial Public Offering in 2012.
Their tools have been getting easier and easier to use and many businesses budget a significant chunk of their ad spending to this channel.
If you’re just getting started in advertising this might be a good place to start and the articles below will help you get started quickly.
- Learn How To Advertise On Facebook With My 2,851% ROI Ad Strategy | Matthew Woodward
- From 1 To 94 Leads Within 90 Days On Facebook | Adweek
- 5 Ridiculously Powerful Facebook Ad Targeting Strategies | Word Stream
- How to Make Your Status Update Go Viral On Facebook | Inside Tech Tricks
- How to Get Your First 10,000 Fans On Facebook (Case Study) | Reliable Soft
- Promoted Pins or Facebook Ads – What’s Better, Cheaper, & Gets More Sales? | MarketingSolved
Using Pinterest Advertising Methods
Pinterest is kind of the new kid on the block, but more and more people are starting to leverage it for their advertising and traffic generation.
If you run an eCommerce business you need to keep a close eye on this platform, because it’s dubbed as the social media platform where people go to buy.
- Hey Marketers, Don’t Forget About Pinterest Advertising | Sprinklr
- How To Advertise With Pinterest | MCNG Marketing
- Pinterest Ads Story: How I made $41,254 On Promoted Pins | Smart Marketer
- How To Use Promoted Pins On Pinterest | Social Media Examiner
- Social Media Training Course: Optimizing For Pinterest | CreativeLive
Advertising With Twitter
Twitter can generate traffic for the right kind of audience if you’re using the right kind of content.
These posts below cover a wide range of ways to leverage this advertising channel in a whole new way.
- A Beginner’s Guide To Twitter Advertising | SproutSocial
- The Field Guide To Twitter Advertising | Hubspot
- How To Advertise On Twitter To Get The Best Results | BusinessInsider
- 6 Sure-fire Methods To Generate Email Leads Using Twitter | Wishpond
Track, Test and Tweak For Maximum Conversions
How do you know if your drip campaign is working?
Because what everyone else will tell you is, “Oh, just look at your email open rates and your click rates and that will let you know what’s working.”
Actually, there’s more to it than that.
What you need to do as a small business owner is break down all of the parts so you can see how it’s impacting the “whole.”
So, in the video below I’ll show you how to analyze your drip campaign, sales funnel and see what’s working and what’s not working so you can make tweaks quickly.
Tweaking something as simple as and email subject line can make a big difference in how your email campaigns perform.
What’s the reason for such a huge post?
Why in the world would I sit down and create a huge 5 chapter blog post that clocks in at 6,395 words (not counting the videos) so you can launch email drip campaigns with this step by step guide?
I feel it’s my responsibility.
If small business owners are ever going to successfully automate their email marketing or eventually create “passive” income, than those of us who have been in the trenches have to share what we’ve learned.
Nobody does this alone.
I mean, what greater purpose is there than to help people?
When it’s all said and done, that’s what I love most about teaching email automation.
With all of the blog posts, courses, downloads, webinars or coaching calls they can impact a person’s life for the better.
And maybe some people won’t care or understand, but I know for a fact that the people who do care – this post – will make their life better.
I want them to be inspired to take action by giving them the blueprint they need to succeed with email marketing.
I wish more people would pass the torch and share this with other business owners they know.
Let’s change that, shall we?